Fields: Add Book List
Add Custom Books List lets you add a books list that is pulled by your instance of Symphony Web Services by applying filters to create a new list (for more information, see Creating a custom book list).
General Configuration > Book Lists > Add Book List
Display Name
Specifies a name for the custom books list (up to 80 characters). (This field is required.)
For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages, then enter the localized name in the field.
Note: Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Enterprise and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.
If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.
Specifies a text description of this list (up to 80 characters).
Web Service
Specifies the Symphony Web Service instance that you will hit to get the "New Books" list. (This field is required.)
Once you specify a Web Service, the Filters field will open.
Symphony List Identifier
Specifies the name in the Symphony ILS used to note which items to include in the list. When a list is configured in Symphony, a list identifier is created and added to the 598 tag for each item included in the list. The List Identifier in Add/Edit Custom Books must match exactly the list identifier used in Symphony or no results will be found for the book list. For more information, see "FAQ: Creating Information Desk Choices" in the Java WorkFlows Help.
Lets you assign a Library, Item Type, and Language filter to the book list.
For example, if you wanted to create a list that showed only newly added DVD's at your specific library, you could use the Library filter and the Item Type filter to create a "New DVD's at Main Library" list.